Category: Professional Output

  • Unreal Engine 5.3 (Apple Silicon) for macOS Wild Bugs.

    Unreal Engine 5.3 (Apple Silicon) for macOS Wild Bugs.

    Unreal Inconsistencies. Unintended audio playback. Perfect Media Playback in Editor; choppy results with exported MP4s.

  • These Issues are Unreal! UnRemote ✅ LiveLink ❌

    These Issues are Unreal! UnRemote ✅ LiveLink ❌

    Unreal’s UnRemote makes a perfect connection – no fuss; no muss. Yet, I knock & knock w/ LiveLink and there’s no one home. Anyone have insight or experience w/ a fix?

  • Those Long Winded Articles Are Getting Long In The Tooth

    Those Long Winded Articles Are Getting Long In The Tooth

    If an article doesn’t know where the relevant story begins for a reader – it just may be that the people behind it don’t know much of anything at all. Let’s say you’re researching the finer points of a workflow employed in your life – and every article insists on starting at the beginning… the…

  • Mesh Editing In-Editor with Unity! ?

    Mesh Editing In-Editor with Unity! ?

    Mesh editing is here for imported models inside of the Unity Editor! No more round-trips to Blender and back. Meet the updated ProBuilder Package for Unity Game Engine.

  • Self Expression in FilmMaking with Blackmagic Camera App & iPhone 15 ????

    Self Expression in FilmMaking with Blackmagic Camera App & iPhone 15 ????

    There’s much to love from H.265 and LOG, plus LUT support (Camera overlay or Baked in), support for external SSDs, clean HDMI output, aspect ratio framelines, focus and exposure peaking and precision control over every aspect of your #filmmaking. iOS #creators & #YouTubers can download from the App Store here. In my brief experimentation so…

  • Discover Your Own Sense of Autonomy & Agency in RSS.

    Discover Your Own Sense of Autonomy & Agency in RSS.

    Discover, read, and maybe help me build a sense of community that is healthy, positive, and centers around your own individual experience on this Earth, in this Universe, and in your own life. Add to your favorite RSS app. (I enjoy Feeed on iOS) #autonomy #society #culture #mentalHealth #community #humanity

  • Share On Pixelfed Gets Update ???? !!

    Share On Pixelfed Gets Update ???? !!

    I feared the “Share On Pixelfed” plugin for WordPress was not receiving the same attention that its sibling plugin “Share On Mastodon” was getting. Then, to my surprise… Plugin author @[email protected] releases update 0.9.0 for Share On Pixelfed. This update transforms the plugin from non-working to seemlessly working out of the box with WordPress 6.3.2…

  • A Grateful Moment With WordPress

    A Grateful Moment With WordPress

    Thank you for enabling such a beautiful office, today. I’m grateful. #Shoutout to #WooCommerce and to a slew of #indieweb #WebDev #OpenSource #Developers around the world. I’m REALLY #grateful for what I’m able to create as I stand on the shoulders of giants! I’ve worked incredibly hard to achieve these core web vital scores from…

  • Pleasing Page Performance!

    Pleasing Page Performance!

    I’ve learned the hard way, just as you have, that a well written article with high-quality SEO will often come in second place to an equally well written article also possessing carefully implemented and highly performant Web Core Vital Scores. It wasn’t an easy task, but I’ve done it! I’m celebrating a victory for myself.…

  • Create Your Own Roadshow.

    Create Your Own Roadshow.

    Video – “Where you are now is the most immediate sector of your universe.” Will you expend your energies on behalf of somebody else or will you adopt the responsibility of your existence and pursue that which your deepest self cries out for. One of these futures will happen. Which do you choose for yourself…