
Connect Across These Networks!

  • Ideas Are Like Fish – David Lynch

    Ideas Are Like Fish – David Lynch

    #Ideas are like fish. You can stay in shallow water. But if you want to catch big fish, you’ve got to go deeper. #Creativity

  • Brands These Days

    Brands These Days

    ‘Chasing paper’ into a fire. Elle Cordova nails disingenuous brands with a prolific rhyme. “Over the counter; under the table… Brands these days.

  • Don’t Consume Culture; Create Culture.

    We have to create culture, don’t watch TV, don’t read magazines, don’t even listen to NPR. Create your own roadshow. Terrence McKenna

  • Usually, As An Excuse

    Usually, As An Excuse

    Usually is not always. Usually is not consistency. Usually is a floating boat with a hole in the hull for open and willing eyes to see. #philosophy #society #Culture #quote

  • Trust Yourself

    Trust Yourself

    “We empower our experience by insisting on our own authenticity.” ~ Terrence McKenna

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