Category: Mindful

  • Don’t Consume Culture; Create Culture.

    We have to create culture, don’t watch TV, don’t read magazines, don’t even listen to NPR. Create your own roadshow. Terrence McKenna

  • Negotiating A Pay Bump When You Can’t Read A Face.

    Negotiating A Pay Bump When You Can’t Read A Face.

    The threat of AI is not an unsanctioned nuclear launch, but a separation and abstraction away from the ability to read a human face – even the one in the mirror.

  • Edge of Cognition

    Edge of Cognition

    Today’s aural escape from concrete, grime, and straight lines… Terrence McKenna

  • Found Words of Wisdom To Ground Ourselves By.

    Found Words of Wisdom To Ground Ourselves By.

    To all the #writers #artists & #creators who need to hear this as much and as often as I do. #writing #WritingCommunity @EmilyMoranBarwick I’m appreciative of crossing paths with this post. As someone deeply engaged in his discovery of self – this post is a vibe.

  • Beauty In The Broad Strokes

    Beauty In The Broad Strokes

    Color. Tone. Modernity. And Warmth. With soft eyes there is beauty in the broad strokes. It’s in examining the details with sustained focus that the imperfections threaten to diminish the whole. #art #musings #perspectives

  • Life With Extra Steps (Thanks Anxiety)

    Life With Extra Steps (Thanks Anxiety)

    So much over-engineering born of never feeling worthy enough. I have to do more. I have to push the boulder higher up a larger hill. “Acceptable isn’t acceptable at all and perfect is only a beginning.” Such lies our own mind tells us. The programming received from people who were never going to accept our…

  • Have You Been Accused of Being A Highly Sensitive Person?

    Have You Been Accused of Being A Highly Sensitive Person?

    Insights from Dr. Gabor Maté on facing life’s challenges with compassion and authenticity as a Highly Sensitive Person.

  • Lessons From Dogs At The Park! Observing Purpose, Community and Connection.

    Lessons From Dogs At The Park! Observing Purpose, Community and Connection.

    Happy sled dogs bark, especially when excited & ready to go. They may also bark to encourage teammates during the time it takes to harness or feed, and sometimes in unison for an after-dinner howl.

  • Productivity Or Avoidant Escape

    Productivity Or Avoidant Escape

    The moment when you discover your productivity may actually be You running away from Yourself. Duncan Trussell elaborates in this short video…

  • Pete Holmes: Zoom Out!

    Pete Holmes: Zoom Out!

    Wow! Comedy intersecting with higher order perspectives!? More please! #comedy #perspective #philosophy #society #culture #indieWeb #standUp