The danger of AI synthetic performers is not in the unlawful replication of known public figures. We have legal precedent for that setup already – 25% legally distinct is all the law demands, done deal.
Rather, the danger of synthetic human performances is the abstraction away from authentic human emotional facial displays and body motion.
Just as an Unreal Engine tree lacks the immense fractal depth of a natural tree – something important is going to be omitted, even if accidentally, from the performances put forth by artificial intelligence actors.
What effect is this going to have on generations whose primary socialization layer is trained not on human body language, but on replicated facial emotions and approximate body language as portrayed by artificial intelligence?
We have abstracted ourselves away from nature many times.
We have abstracted ourselves away from historical context many times over.
Society itself abstracts each of us away from knowing our own internal emotional state of being and wellness continuously. The threat of AI is not an unsanctioned nuclear launch, but a separation and abstraction away from the ability to read a human face – even the one in the mirror.
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