Category: Mindful

  • Resentment Is A Foul Water Leeching Into The Soil of The Soul.

    Resentment Is A Foul Water Leeching Into The Soil of The Soul.

    Resentment is a foul water leaching into the soil of the soul. It originates in the suppression of authenticity, self-imposed or otherwise. Feelings of resentment often result from the inadequate expression of emotions after a painful experience. Be mindful; scan the horizon of your past and face the obstacle that separates you from you. Do…

  • Mr. Rogers & The Senate Subcommittee (1969)

    Mr. Rogers & The Senate Subcommittee (1969)

    On May 1, 1969, Fred Rogers, host of the (then) recently nationally syndicated children’s television series, Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (named Misterogers’ Neighborhood at the time), testified before the Senate Committee on Commerce Subcommittee on Communications to defend $20 million in federal funding proposed for the newly formed non-profit Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which was at…

  • Create Your Own Roadshow.

    Create Your Own Roadshow.

    Video – “Where you are now is the most immediate sector of your universe.” Will you expend your energies on behalf of somebody else or will you adopt the responsibility of your existence and pursue that which your deepest self cries out for. One of these futures will happen. Which do you choose for yourself…

  • What Is Carl Jung’s Shadow Work? (Video Explanation)

    What Is Carl Jung’s Shadow Work? (Video Explanation)

    I’ve enjoyed many hours of exploration within the perspectives of Jungian Psychology and Carl Jung’s concept of Shadow Work. This video dispels the myths of what Jungian Shadow Work is not and establishes what I find to be the clearest, easiest-to-understand explanation of what Jungian Shadow Work is and why it must be engaged individually…

  • The Anxiety in Exposed Roots.

    The Anxiety in Exposed Roots.

    Never feeling fully secure. Feeling susceptible to changing gusts of wind. Ever conscious and hyper sensitive to the continuing erosion of the soil around you…

  • Ourselves Within Our Work

    Ourselves Within Our Work

    “While I’ve always worked with a writing partner – whatever’s coming from my imagination is inspired by my background & my own psychology.”

  • Trust Yourself

    Trust Yourself

    “We empower our experience by insisting on our own authenticity.” ~ Terrence McKenna

  • Society’s Shape

    Society’s Shape

    We should all care about the underdog because at anytime and with little effort – the underdog could be you and I. It takes only one foul wind to bring about a fall from the comforts of grace. Society at its best is a safeguard against bad times. This is the true role of society;…

  • Days of Doubt

    Days of Doubt

    My days of doubt and fear are greater than my days of confidence. Even when laboring on an endeavor for years with sustained conviction and determination – the prospect of announcing the culmination of my work to others deflates my mind with long-learned demoralizing expectations. Expectations that others will dismiss the time, work, approach, and…