Category: Videos

  • In 30 years, What Would You Give For Today?

    In 30 years, What Would You Give For Today?

    This isn’t a universal predicament. Some of us are in true suffering (and putting in effort) with hopes that tomorrow will indeed be better than today. I understand this position – I’ve been in this position myself, personally, many times over and for extended periods of time. I’m fortunate, today I’m thankful of where I…

  • Researching Home Repair Tools: The Multi-Tool

    Researching Home Repair Tools: The Multi-Tool

    Hiring contractors for a recent project last year revealed to me just how useful an oscillating multi-tool can be. Moment after moment, I observed professionals reaching for their multi-tool, equipping it with the correct blade, and then getting down to work. Seeing this first hand, illuminated for me where my tool collection should begin (as…

  • David Lynch: Creating Mental Bandwidth Through Routine

    David Lynch: Creating Mental Bandwidth Through Routine

    “Habit in a daily routine, when there’s some sort of order, you’re free to mentally go off in any direction. You’ve got a safe sort of foundation and a place to spring from. It’s very important for me. The purer the environment – the more fantastic the interior world can be, it seems to me.” David Lynch #filmmaking #creativity…

  • What Should Leaders Learn From History?

    What Should Leaders Learn From History?

    “For 25 years (1948 to 1973) the U.S economy was so amazing that you could conceivably get a regular job, I don’t mean an amazing job, just a job and the pay would be so high and the benefits so amazing that you could not only afford to buy a house and feed your family you might be able to send your kids to…

  • A Very Brief History of Western Civilization

    A Very Brief History of Western Civilization

    The daily listen for today as I cultivate business relationships, write copy, and program layouts.

  • Changing Yourself For Others

    Changing Yourself For Others

    Changing yourself for others is a dangerous proposition. Don’t take my word for it, listen to this example from Eddie Murphy. The man had a one in a million laugh that launched a career. His laughter was infectious; the sound of his laugh alone inspired others to laugh, experience happiness, and feel joy. Early in…