What Should Leaders Learn From History?

“For 25 years (1948 to 1973) the U.S economy was so amazing that you could conceivably get a regular job, I don’t mean an amazing job, just a job and the pay would be so high and the benefits so amazing that you could not only afford to buy a house and feed your family you might be able to send your kids to school to college and you might be able to retire really well.”

“It was the only time in human history where a person could work and make wealth – the middle class today in the United States doesn’t make wealth, they barely get by. The difference between the middle class and the lower class is that the middle class has stable housing and the lower class does not have stable housing. The wealth distance between the lower class and the middle class is negligible it’s meaningless they’re barely getting by but for 25 years people were prospering and what they realize is: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs…”

“If people aren’t fretting about food, if they’re not worried about shelter, if they’re not in constant fear that the economic system they are in will collapse – they have mind space to ask bigger and better questions like “what about civil liberties, what about civil rights, what about human rights?

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