Developer behind and 'Autonomy & Agency' the platform.

Producer, Developer, Creator

Virtual productions, Videos, VR, WordPress Frameworks, Podcasts, Commercial Photography & an upcoming Video Game for consoles!

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Creative Foundations

Thoughts, Insights, Observations



Meet the non-subscription based crowdfunding membership platform providing business infrastructure to independent content creators.
Aug 30, 20241 min read
scenic view of mountain during evening

Reclaiming The Mind – Terrence McKenna

Catalysts to say what has never been said, to see what has never been seen. To draw, paint, sing, sculpt, dance and act what has never before been done. To push the envelope of creativity and language and whats really important is, I call it, the felt presence of direct experience which is a fancy […]
Aug 25, 20242 min read
12 Signs You’re A Psychologically Mature Adult

12 Signs You’re A Psychologically Mature Adult

School of Life presents a metric for self assessing one’s own psychological maturity, applicable at any point along one’s personal life journey.
Aug 7, 20241 min read
In 30 years, What Would You Give For Today?

In 30 years, What Would You Give For Today?

This isn’t a universal predicament. Some of us are in true suffering (and putting in effort) with hopes that tomorrow will indeed be better than today. I understand this position – I’ve been in this position myself, personally, many times over and for extended periods of time. I’m fortunate, today I’m thankful of where I […]
Aug 1, 20242 min read
David Lynch: Creating Mental Bandwidth Through Routine

David Lynch: Creating Mental Bandwidth Through Routine

“Habit in a daily routine, when there’s some sort of order, you’re free to mentally go off in any direction. You’ve got a safe sort of foundation and a place to spring from. It’s very important for me. The purer the environment – the more fantastic the interior world can be, it seems to me.” David Lynch […]
Jul 30, 20241 min read
Eddie Murphy talking about changin his laugh.

Changing Yourself For Others

Changing yourself for others is a dangerous proposition. Don’t take my word for it, listen to this example from Eddie Murphy. The man had a one in a million laugh that launched a career. His laughter was infectious; the sound of his laugh alone inspired others to laugh, experience happiness, and feel joy. Early in […]
Jul 18, 20242 min read

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About The Developer

Technical Creativity Across Domains

Producing Director overseeing and executing on (video) creative vision, Skillfully enthusiastic Cinematographer and dutiful Editor. Delivering experiential videos that appeal to audiences & inspire engagement.

Post-Production Colorist (video & film). Increasing production impact through bespoke application of carefully considered color grades. Serving commercial & indie clientele.

Opensource Digital Experience Platform Alternative To Patreon

Web Platform Developer & Product Manager
Digital Product Manager & Developer of commercially available, open source revenue generation platform serving media-savvy businesses, not-for-profit organizations & entrepreneurial YouTube creators.

Using Unity Virtual Production Workflows

Virtual Production Pipeline Developer & Supervisor
Virtual Production Supervisor developing & educating on frictionless workflows for small team and independent creative media production pipelines seeking to capitalize on accessible hardware & emerging technologies.

People know Him as:

  • Producing Director
  • Tech Stack Developer
  • Virtual Pipeline Supervisor
  • Copy writer
  • Film Colorist
  • WordPress Developer
  • Page Speed Specialist
  • Web Manager
  • YouTube Educator
  • VR Application Designer

Developer behind and 'Autonomy & Agency' the platform.

Hi, I’m Rick 👋 . Producing Director (video & film), Virtual Production Supervisor (YouTube & Film), Commercial Photographer (serving ad agencies & third-party production houses), and perhaps most proudly…

Digital Product Manager and Managing Web Developer of the independent, open-source media platform Autonomy & Agency (now on version 4.1.0)’ providing subscription-free, independent business infrastructure to content creators and media-savvy organizations.

Additionally, I’m a research oriented technologist embracing emerging technologies to tell universal and meaningful Human stories. I enjoy reducing friction from everyday workflows and leveraging limited resources against unlimited imagination to facilitate enormous impact.

You can support me in my journey by investing in your own creative journey with a purchase of ‘Autonomy & Agency’ available here (and powered by WordPress), by making a one-time financial donation here, or by pledging your ongoing support through a monthly membership to this website.

I appreciate you,

Create your own roadshow. The nexus of space and time where you are now is the most immediate sector of your universe, and if you’re worrying about pop icons or somebody else, then you are disempowered, you’re giving it all away to icons which are maintained by an electronic media so that you want to dress like X or have lips like Y. This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking. That is all cultural diversion, and what is real is you and your friends and your associations, your highs, your orgasms, your hopes, your plans, your fears. And we are told ‘no’, we’re unimportant, we’re peripheral. ‘Get a degree, get a job, get a this, get a that.’ And then you’re a player, you don’t want to even play in that game. You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that’s being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.”

Terrence McKenna Portrait

Terrence McKenna

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