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Introspection, Authentic Pursuits, Filling One’s Cup
Filling my cup thru the #community of others, #creativeWriting & the pursuit of #authenticity. Feeling #grateful
Ideas Are Like Fish – David Lynch
#Ideas are like fish. You can stay in shallow water. But if you want to catch big fish, you’ve got to go deeper. #Creativity
Editing Insights From Mission Impossible Fallout’s Eddie Hamilton, ACE
Masterclass w/ insights on streamlining editorial for #indieFilm from a solid expert #movieMaking #creativity #vfx #realtimeVFX Enjoy!
Craig Ferguson Dropping Casual Bits of Life Wisdom
Here’s Craig Ferguson dropping insightful bits of #wisdom casually for an 1.5 hours. Enjoy. #creativity #insightful #fun #podcast
Denis Villeneuve’s Indie Films & Finding the Tools to Make his Dream.
Denis Villeneuve on #indieFilm & experiences that led him to the tools & career he envisioned for himself.
Filling My Cup At The Cinema
One’s output is proportionate to the input one receives and creativity is no exception.
Timeless Strategies for Modern Work: Elevating Pipeline Workflows.
Doing more w/ less is accepting tech advancements while resisting impulses to expand scope along w/ new capabilities.
Creativity in, Creativity Out
What goes into a system feeds a system and is transformed through new creative associations made along the way.