Tag: perspective

  • Limitations In Labels

    Limitations In Labels

    Labels confine direct experience, what effect of loss is had upon meaning?

  • Reclaiming The Mind – Terrence McKenna

    Reclaiming The Mind – Terrence McKenna

    Catalysts to say what has never been said, to see what has never been seen. To draw, paint, sing, sculpt, dance and act what has never before been done. To push the envelope of creativity and language and whats really important is, I call it, the felt presence of direct experience which is a fancy…

  • Art Nouveau and Shattered Stars

    Art Nouveau and Shattered Stars

    Photographs of the day, snapped along the walk to my gym.

  • Edge of Cognition

    Edge of Cognition

    Today’s aural escape from concrete, grime, and straight lines… Terrence McKenna

  • Those Long Winded Articles Are Getting Long In The Tooth

    Those Long Winded Articles Are Getting Long In The Tooth

    If an article doesn’t know where the relevant story begins for a reader – it just may be that the people behind it don’t know much of anything at all. Let’s say you’re researching the finer points of a workflow employed in your life – and every article insists on starting at the beginning… the…

  • Life With Extra Steps (Thanks Anxiety)

    Life With Extra Steps (Thanks Anxiety)

    So much over-engineering born of never feeling worthy enough. I have to do more. I have to push the boulder higher up a larger hill. “Acceptable isn’t acceptable at all and perfect is only a beginning.” Such lies our own mind tells us. The programming received from people who were never going to accept our…

  • Pete Holmes: Zoom Out!

    Pete Holmes: Zoom Out!

    Wow! Comedy intersecting with higher order perspectives!? More please! #comedy #perspective #philosophy #society #culture #indieWeb #standUp

  • Ricky Gervais Tells A Story About Learning To Write

    Ricky Gervais Tells A Story About Learning To Write

    #writing #creativity #perspective