Tag: work

  • Rest Is Work (Worth Tending To, A Note To Self)

    Rest Is Work (Worth Tending To, A Note To Self)

    I did not anticipate rest to be so much work. Feeling appreciative for (and yet mildly resistant to) holding myself to the “commitment” of a self-prescribed four day weekend here at the end of a long platform development cycle. With rest comes rejuvenation (a renewed wellspring of focus, passion, and enthusiasm toward attainment of aim…

  • Life With Extra Steps (Thanks Anxiety)

    Life With Extra Steps (Thanks Anxiety)

    So much over-engineering born of never feeling worthy enough. I have to do more. I have to push the boulder higher up a larger hill. “Acceptable isn’t acceptable at all and perfect is only a beginning.” Such lies our own mind tells us. The programming received from people who were never going to accept our…

  • Golden Forest, Today’s Office

    Golden Forest, Today’s Office

    Like a squirrel gathering nuts – today is a beautiful day for scanning enviros for winter project use!