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Are you a great communicator? Let’s find out.

Can we follow along with you 100% & arrive at the desired outcome if we cannot hear you?

Can we follow along 100% with you & arrive at the desired outcome if we cannot see you?

If your visuals are filling in gaps created by your auditory teachings – your teaching strategy is flawed.

If your auditory information is filling in gaps created by your visual teachings – your teaching strategy is flawed.

Flawed communication breeds friction and frustration.

Flawed communication is everywhere: it is in others and in you.

Be specific in speech.

Just because your visuals illustrate – don’t think you can get away with saying “this” and “that”. Use the properly specific nouns language gives you.

Remember, what if there were no visuals, what if the visuals were interrupted, what if someone looked away”?

Saying “this” and “that” won’t snap inattentiveness back to the program – specifically mentioning the name of what someone is interested in will bring their attention back.

Be consistent at every step.

If you teach Step One with a granular low level, detailed approach – lock this approach in for every step of the way.

Don’t switch it up and provide a high level overview for Step Two and then return into the details for Steps Three and Four.

You’ll lose people. It’s frustrating to follow. It generates questions which you should be answering. It sews a silent, angered, impatient derision in your audience.

There are additional pillars of strong communication, but damn if the two pillars mentioned here aren’t HUGE REOCCURRING OFFENDERS.

Let’s all do better. It begins by working on our own communication, trust me when I say – too few of us have any laurels to rest upon.


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