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Developing & Playtesting Interactive Stories w/ Twine
Streamlining iterative #storyDev for interactive #Unity #virtualProductions using #Twine #JSON
Overview For Unity 6 in 2024
Controversy, Opaque Onboarding. Runtime Fees, Stagnation. Unity has self-inflicted a hard time for themselves of late. Are things turning for the better? Here’s a succinct, personable video overview of Unity’s new direction as reported by 3rd-party observer.
Virtual Production Puzzle Pieces – Coming Together!
Workflow is taking shape. Logistics are falling into line. Stories are about to be told. #exciting
Mesh-Editing Directly In Editor with Unity!
The end of redundant trips between DCC & realtime rendering environments in which our assets are deployed?
Seeking Tips On Organizing Unity3D Project Assets.
I’m looking for tips on organizing #Unity #gameDev third-party assets for an #optimized visual workflow. Is there a better way than to click through individual Project Panel folders originating from multiple asset packs?