Tag: seo

  • Your Website Secretly Limits Your Growth, Revenue, & Successes.

    Your unoptimized website is like a slowly sinking boat. It’s slow, clunky, and losing visitors faster than you can say “bounce rate.”

  • Impatience is Impractical

    Impatience is Impractical

    Amazing products go unsold when no one sticks around for the presentation. Your ability to survive on your services disappears when you promote yourself with a blank page. Cached pages for your (WordPress) website aren’t a technical matter – they are a matter of survival. In my search to meet my own personal expectations for…

  • Those Long Winded Articles Are Getting Long In The Tooth

    Those Long Winded Articles Are Getting Long In The Tooth

    If an article doesn’t know where the relevant story begins for a reader – it just may be that the people behind it don’t know much of anything at all. Let’s say you’re researching the finer points of a workflow employed in your life – and every article insists on starting at the beginning… the…