UV Unwrapping With Unity ProBuilder

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Tonight’s self-guided continuing education installment! Watch along if you’d like a crash course on quickly creating custom Unity Game Object geometry along with accompanying custom material textures. Transcript below.


Video Transcript:
hey this is jerry from blizz studio and in this continuation of our unity and pro builder tutorial series we’re going to start taking a look at the uv editor this one’s a big one and it’s going to allow you to do a lot of different stuff with building and creating 3d objects right in the unity editor and then also unwrapping your uvs so if you’re ready to get creating let’s go and here we’re back in unity and again we’re going to continue with our pro builder investigation so the next thing we’re going to be looking at in this particular tutorial is our uv editor so what does the uav editor do for us well it allows us to manipulate the material that’s attached to that specific game object okay so let’s go ahead and do this here’s the uv editor let’s go ahead and go back i’m going to create a new pro builder cube and what i want to do with this is i’m just going to simply create a wall kind of structure and we’ll just put that at 0 0 and then i want to back off just a little bit and go ahead and just make this into kind of what would be a wall segment so we’ll go ahead and manipulate that just a little bit bring this up and then i’m going to go ahead and on the bottom i just want to bring out just a little bit of an extra piece to this so that i can have two different segments of the wall kind of like the main top part of the wall and then the bottom part of the wall which is going to be just kind of like a concrete area so i’m going to hold down so i select that bottom face hold down the shift key and then drag down which allows me to extrude an additional segment to this wall okay so now that we have that all kind of set up i have two materials that i’ve already put together one is a brick material so i’m going to go ahead and select the faces that i want the brick material to be attached to and hold down shift to select all of those faces and then i have a bricks brick material here so i just drag that on and you can see how that looks within that material i want to do the same thing with the bottom kind of little row here so that i can then attach a material to that as well so i’m going to drag out concrete and add that there okay so you can see that we now have two kind of materials attached to this wall segment now let’s go ahead and go into our cube and it doesn’t matter if we have spaces selected or the whole game object we’re gonna go back into pro builder and then click on our uv editor now the uv editor there’s two ways that we can view the uv editor the first way is to have this as a dockable window so the advantage of a dockable window is that you can take and drag this down to a segment of your ui so you can always just have it there if you don’t want that and you want to just have that floating you can do that as well now the problem with this that i find is that if you click off of this all of a sudden it goes behind your editor window and then you have to continually bring it back up now if you uh click on the little three dot icon in the corner or you can right click within the window itself and just open as floating window so if you open this floating window if i do click within the rest of my editor this window doesn’t go away so that allows us to have that okay so let’s take a look at the uv editor window so currently i have this game object selected and within the uv i can see all of the different faces that are part of that shape so wherever i have selected you can now see that i see the material that’s attached to that that face and if i click the bottom face you’ll see that the material changes to the material that is attached to those faces as well okay so i can change how this material looks on this face so if i select all the faces that are attached to this particular material i can go and edit the scale of this so i click on my scale tool and i can scale it down which scales up the material or i can scale it up and which scales down the material so i can do that on all the individual faces themselves and then the next thing i want to look at is the actions panel so basically the tools that i have here in in the transform are all of the tools that i have up here so it allows me to change the offset so where that material is what the scale of the material is so the tiling and what that size is if we want to flip our uvs so on so forth and so that gives me some basic control over a few of the options here now let’s go ahead and close this window and then i’m going to delete this game object and i’m going to start from scratch okay so then we can see more of the power of the uv editor so i’m going to go ahead and just start with a cube so let’s go with a pro builder cube and let’s make this a little bit bigger and we’re gonna take this cube and we’re gonna change it down to be a position of zero zero zero and then we’re gonna take a look at maybe making this in some kind of a shrine or you know temple stone something that we would find in our game so let’s go ahead i’m going to make this a little bit thinner i’m going to select that top face and i’m going to hit shift and drag up which allows me to extrude another segment i’m going to change over to my scale tool which is the r key and i’m going to scale down the top of this and then i’m going to hit my e key which allows me to do some rotation so i’m going to rotate that just a little bit and then i’m going to go back to my scale tool and then i want to kind of have this be scaled down in the z value so we have something that’s like this so it kind of looks like a you know some kind of a temple shrine or whatever that might be so i’m going to take a little bit of this edge and go ahead and move that down just a little bit just give us a little more of a varied kind of a shape to this and then i’m going to select these front faces and what i want to do is to go ahead and extrude these so i’m going to do that with the scale tool but i’m also going to hold hold down the shift key which allows us to extrude a secondary segment of these two faces so i’m going to hold down the shift key and you can see that now that’s given me another two faces now if i turn this to the side you’ll see that it hasn’t really moved it much so i’m going to go ahead and select those two faces and just kind of move them out so i give this a little bit more dimension and i think that looks pretty good i think i’m gonna take some of these vertices and move them back the outer vertices just to give us a little more dimension for this game object so i’m holding down the shift key and then we can move this back a little bit and i think that looks pretty good so let’s move these bottom two down just a little bit more too yeah that works pretty good okay so let’s go ahead and do this one is we want to add a material to this that we’re going to then use as in photoshop so that we can create our own artwork for this slab whatever this is going to be so i’m going to go ahead and just create a new material and we’ll call this we’ll call this stone slab and then we’re going to make sure this is a urp lit game object and then i’m going to apply that to this game object so my stone slab go ahead and drag that on there and i’m not going to worry about the way it looks for the moment okay so let’s go back into our pro builder and open up our uv editor so here what we want to do let’s move this to the side slightly here’s where we want to see what’s happening with the uav editor and it’s going to allow us to unwrap this game object okay so i’m going to select the faces that are there and you can see here are representations of all of the outlines for each of the individual faces okay so i’m going to go ahead and select all of these and i’m going to convert to manual okay so what that allows me to do is take all of these individual faces and then i’m going to be able to combine them and then essentially unwrap this particular game object okay so i’m going to go ahead and select these two front faces right here and let’s go ahead and select everything that’s on that kind of more front facing uh side of the the kind of stone slab and then what i’m going to do is i’m going to make these planar okay so what it’s going to do is connect all of these individual faces together as one plane so i’m going to go ahead and click planar boom you can see that now that’s one individual kind of little segment and they’re all individual still but they’re all connected the next thing i can do is you get a representation of where that material is and i want to go ahead and scale this down to fit my material so let’s go ahead and fit uv and now you can see it fits within that kind of square area so let’s go and do the same thing with the rest of these real quick so i’m going to go ahead and select those two faces make those planar and then fit uv let’s go ahead and just move those over slightly and then i’m going to go ahead and do the other side make those planar and then fit uv so that scales those down as well and kind of move that over there a little bit and let’s move this out of the way real quick and then i’ll do this back side as well select those two faces and the top and we’ll go ahead and make those planar and then we’ll scale those down as well the uv and then i’ve got the bottom which is the extra side and i really don’t need that so i’m going to go ahead and just delete it because we’re not going to see the bottom of this thing cool so now that i have those i can go ahead and take them and you can see how they fit within the uv space and this is a representation this square is a representation what size our material is where that where our game objects fit within that so if we want to create some artwork specifically for this this gives us a way of doing that so i’m going to go ahead and just select these and i’m going to scale them down so let’s go ahead and use our scale tool scale that down because i want to get everything to fit on there individually and we’ll select one of these and then i can also select island okay so every all of the faces that are kind of connected allows me to select all of those together so that’s an island so let’s go ahead and move that down here and then let’s select this next one select island go ahead and move that here select the next one and i might have to kind of rotate these or play with these just a little bit but we’ll go ahead and again select island move this over and i’m not going to have enough room for that last one so what we’re going to do is we’re going to go ahead and select island and then we’re going to rotate these particular faces so that we have a better fit for our ruv cool so now that we have that here is one of the great advantages of our uv editor i can now output the lines of this so i can then bring those back into photoshop or whatever kind of artwork creation software you want to use so that i can then use that and create that create artwork for this game object so i’m going to go ahead and click on the camera icon and what that’s going to do is allow me to export the lines that are here so i can then bring that as a png into my software of choice whether it’s photoshop or illustrator or whatever kind of software you want to use to create the artwork for this this particular game object okay so for some options that are here we can choose different sizes i’m going to go ahead and just keep it with 1024 we can choose to whether to hide the grid or bring the grid back in we can choose what the line color is if we want to include a texture i’m going to go ahead and turn that off and then i’m also going to have a transparent background so that way it’s just the lines themselves so i’m going to go ahead and save this as a uv template and i’m going to save this into my sprites folder and we’ll call this slab.png okay then i’m going to go ahead and bring that into photoshop okay so here we are in photoshop it does have a transparent background and all my lines are there so what i’m going to do is go ahead and open up a new layer here real quick and i want the stone slab to be kind of blue a little bit maybe a little bit on the darker side we’ll kind of play with this as we go maybe a little bit lighter and i’m going to go ahead and just fill this so we’re just going to hit shift f5 bring up our fill tool and go ahead and fill that go so now we have we have a color that fills this and what i’m going to do is i’m just going to quickly go ahead and just paint some lines on here so we can add a little bit of flavor to this stone slab so where all the joints are i’m going to go ahead and just make this a little bit darker okay so i did this with my mouse and it’s not the greatest but it gives us something to work from so what i’m going to do is i’m going to go ahead and turn off the green lines so i now have the kind of base uv map so i’m going to go ahead and then flatten this back out and then i’m going to save it and this is over in the unity so let’s go ahead and go back into unity it’s going to bring that back in and let’s go ahead and create a material with this particular artwork so we have that material as our stone slab so all we really need to do is just bring that particular artwork into our material so we’re going to go into sprites and i have this as a slab so let’s go ahead and bring that into our base map and then all of a sudden now we have the material attached to our game object we can see what that looks like and then of course we can change the properties if we want to so if we want to make it more shiny we can go ahead and bring that up the smoothness up and see what that looks like so it looks makes it look a little more glassy we can add also a normal map and a height map but this gives us a way for us to start seeing what the uv is for us so let’s go back to pro builder and then i’m going to click my uv editor again and if i select my game object you can now see where those faces are in relation to the uv and with that you can see now that i can rotate i can do all kinds of different stuff with these particular shapes directly in the uv okay not that i necessarily want to do that but you can see now how you can potentially unwrap your uv directly in unity using pro builder hey i know this was a little bit bigger tutorial but i hope that you got a lot out of it and again please share these tutorials and if you don’t mind hit like subscribe and that little bell icon down there so you know when the next tutorial is available until next time peace

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