In 30 years, What Would You Give For Today?


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This isn’t a universal predicament. Some of us are in true suffering (and putting in effort) with hopes that tomorrow will indeed be better than today. I understand this position – I’ve been in this position myself, personally, many times over and for extended periods of time. I’m fortunate, today I’m thankful of where I am, what I’m capable of, and what I am doing. Nothing in my life is perfect; everything in my life could be worse – I see the duality.

I see the spirit and framework from which this perspective and insight is offered. Age brings with it mortality, pains, aches, worries, possible declines in health, and an inevitable end to vitality. From this perspective (and for many of us), today is worth appreciating, today’s health is worth being thankful for, tomorrow we’ll wish we felt as good as we do today (even with our current sufferings).

I believe this is a good meditation being offered via video; it’s not a philosophy without holes, but generally speaking – it’s worth pondering within our minds from time to time.

#meditation #introspection #health #aging #context #bigPicture #bigPictureThinking d


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