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Category: WLB
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Ideas Are Like Fish – David Lynch
#Ideas are like fish. You can stay in shallow water. But if you want to catch big fish, you’ve got to go deeper. #Creativity
James Baldwin on Connecting Love
James Baldwin on mirroring one another’s best attributes as a conscious daily work #love
Craig Ferguson Dropping Casual Bits of Life Wisdom
Here’s Craig Ferguson dropping insightful bits of #wisdom casually for an 1.5 hours. Enjoy. #creativity #insightful #fun #podcast
Magic Off The Beaten Path.
Run away from the hotel, avoid tourist traps, find a place packed w/ locals, make friends, discover magic. #Bourdain #Life #Strategy
Filling My Cup At The Cinema
One’s output is proportionate to the input one receives and creativity is no exception.
Creativity in, Creativity Out
What goes into a system feeds a system and is transformed through new creative associations made along the way.
Luxury Is A Quiet Morning In A Busy World
Happy to be enjoying a peaceful moment here at the beginning of a day. Especially, within the context of a preceding night’s poor sleep. #books #reading #calm #mentalHealth #morningRoutine #simplePleasures
Creative Fulfillment
I write every day as exercise and out of principle. Today, I’m satisfied to have shaped some of my creative writing into a finished screenplay. Tomorrow… more writing. Completion is just another beginning! #screenwriting #filmmaking #indiefilm #creativewriting
Reclaiming The Mind – Terrence McKenna
Catalysts to say what has never been said, to see what has never been seen. To draw, paint, sing, sculpt, dance and act what has never before been done. To push the envelope of creativity and language and whats really important is, I call it, the felt presence of direct experience which is a fancy…