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Dark On Mondays
To borrow from a #theatrical tradition. Monday means the “ #theater ” is dark. No new #livestreams or #youtube video posts, today.
Introspection, Authentic Pursuits, Filling One’s Cup
Filling my cup thru the #community of others, #creativeWriting & the pursuit of #authenticity. Feeling #grateful
Magic Off The Beaten Path.
Run away from the hotel, avoid tourist traps, find a place packed w/ locals, make friends, discover magic. #Bourdain #Life #Strategy
Filling My Cup At The Cinema
One’s output is proportionate to the input one receives and creativity is no exception.
Timeless Strategies for Modern Work: Elevating Pipeline Workflows.
Doing more w/ less is accepting tech advancements while resisting impulses to expand scope along w/ new capabilities.
Shoot Day! On Location & Thankful For Sunshine!
Exterior shoot day began with gray skies and low lying ground fog – Feeling thankful to recieve sunshine and beautiful light.
Creativity in, Creativity Out
What goes into a system feeds a system and is transformed through new creative associations made along the way.
Reclaiming The Mind – Terrence McKenna
Catalysts to say what has never been said, to see what has never been seen. To draw, paint, sing, sculpt, dance and act what has never before been done. To push the envelope of creativity and language and whats really important is, I call it, the felt presence of direct experience which is a fancy…
12 Signs You’re A Psychologically Mature Adult
School of Life presents a metric for self assessing one’s own psychological maturity, applicable at any point along one’s personal life journey.