48 Hour Film Project – Cincinnati, 2024



Virtual Production Specialist (Indie) Seeking:

48 Hour Film Fest Team (Cincinnati) with which to collaborate (May 17-19,2024).

Structural Writing I’m Drawn To:

Dynamic scenes of consequence. Power changing hands (through verbal negotiation – not argument, not yelling). Tension created through characters playing their cards (and folding their hands) to get what they want – “The Power Pull”. Ideal for a singular, standalone scene; perfect for a weekend 48 Hour Film Project.

For projects featuring a set of two scenes, I enjoy a “Call & Answer” configuration – an initial “Power Pull” ending with a proposition of “What’s the harm in trying?” followed by a second scene demonstrating the “harm made manifest”.

For ambitious projects featuring three scenes (not recommended for the inexperienced or faint of heart), I enjoy a disciplined structural approach featuring an opening “Power Pull” between story protagonist and a distant (abstracted) threat, followed by a second scene in which a close-to-home, internal, same room “Power Pull” occurring between allies culminates in a negotiated story beat of “Call & Answer” – which is answered by the third and final scene in which the distant threat answers by demonstrating its reach and ability to influence the protagonist’s lives from afar. 

Writing Structures I Wish To Avoid:

Writing that conforms itself to the assigned props rather than allowing the prop to exist subtly in the background when it doesn’t serve the story. Writing that relies on gimmicks. Writing that sacrifices story integrity for ‘fun (yet empty) genre conventions’. Concerning comedy – I’m more inclined to enjoy a natural comedy arising from within dramatic scenarios than I am to enjoy projects featuring ‘setups and punchlines” or rapid-fire one liners.

What I’m Willing To Bring To The Table:

Do you share my story sensibilities? Are you self-aware enough to exercise constraint over ambition within the context of making a film in a single weekend? Do you prioritize writing as the foundation of all good stories? Do you value the experience, insight, and input of those around you?

Are you putting together a 48 hour filmmaking team? If you’ve sincerely answered yes to all of the above questions and would like to experiment with the world of virtual production – message me (Facebook or via my website) to talk about what collaboration might look like 👍🏽.

About The Author:

Level Price Action
Monthly Supporter




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