Category: Practical

  • Telling Greater Stories With Fewer Resources. Virtual Production, Unity Game Engine.

    Telling Greater Stories With Fewer Resources. Virtual Production, Unity Game Engine.

    Today, I’m dynamically relighting pre-lit green screen video into wildly distinct scenarios using Unity Game Engine. Examples in the link >>

  • Are you a great communicator? Let’s find out.

    Are you a great communicator? Let’s find out.

    Can we follow along with you 100% & arrive at the desired outcome if we cannot hear you? Can we follow along 100% with you & arrive at the desired outcome if we cannot see you? If your visuals are filling in gaps created by your auditory teachings – your teaching strategy is flawed. If…

  • Found Words of Wisdom To Ground Ourselves By.

    Found Words of Wisdom To Ground Ourselves By.

    To all the #writers #artists & #creators who need to hear this as much and as often as I do. #writing #WritingCommunity @EmilyMoranBarwick I’m appreciative of crossing paths with this post. As someone deeply engaged in his discovery of self – this post is a vibe.

  • Those Long Winded Articles Are Getting Long In The Tooth

    Those Long Winded Articles Are Getting Long In The Tooth

    If an article doesn’t know where the relevant story begins for a reader – it just may be that the people behind it don’t know much of anything at all. Let’s say you’re researching the finer points of a workflow employed in your life – and every article insists on starting at the beginning… the…

  • Have You Been Accused of Being A Highly Sensitive Person?

    Have You Been Accused of Being A Highly Sensitive Person?

    Insights from Dr. Gabor Maté on facing life’s challenges with compassion and authenticity as a Highly Sensitive Person.

  • Pete Holmes: Zoom Out!

    Pete Holmes: Zoom Out!

    Wow! Comedy intersecting with higher order perspectives!? More please! #comedy #perspective #philosophy #society #culture #indieWeb #standUp

  • Do the Japanese Have The Answer To Deforestation?

    Do the Japanese Have The Answer To Deforestation?

    Daisugi, it’s how the Japanese have produced wood for 700 years, without cutting down trees. One answer to deforestation has been in front of us all along. One wonders what other problems have solutions hiding in plain sight.

  • Missing The Point

    Missing The Point

    How will you fix the fentanyl problem in this country. “We heal our nation’s self-esteem and sense of noble purpose. Fentanyl will always exist and always be widely available, but people will no longer be driven to seek refuge in a pill.” said not one person on stage – to my disappointment.

  • Mr. Rogers & The Senate Subcommittee (1969)

    Mr. Rogers & The Senate Subcommittee (1969)

    On May 1, 1969, Fred Rogers, host of the (then) recently nationally syndicated children’s television series, Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (named Misterogers’ Neighborhood at the time), testified before the Senate Committee on Commerce Subcommittee on Communications to defend $20 million in federal funding proposed for the newly formed non-profit Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which was at…

  • Create Your Own Roadshow.

    Create Your Own Roadshow.

    Video – “Where you are now is the most immediate sector of your universe.” Will you expend your energies on behalf of somebody else or will you adopt the responsibility of your existence and pursue that which your deepest self cries out for. One of these futures will happen. Which do you choose for yourself…