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Tag: indieweb
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Apple Silicon career Cinema cms Community contentCreation contentCreator contentMonetization creativity crm Culture fediverse filmmaking gameDev humanity indieFilm indieweb introspection macOS madeWithUnity mentalhealth observation opensource patreon perspective philosophy Psychology quote realtimeVFX selfcare seo society soloDev StoryTelling Tools Unity Unity3D Unity Game Development Unreal Engine VirtualProduction Virtual Production Wordpress writing youTuber YouTubers
Creators vs. Patreon: The Platform Profits While Artists Suffer
When discoverability, visibility, & accessibility matter – Wordpress outperforms Patreon by objectively large margins.
AI Rotoscoping: Revolutionizing VFX in Record Time
I’m engaged by the rapid evolution of tools within media and my industry. The convergence of virtual production, AI-powered tools, and real-time rendering engines is revolutionary for storytelling…
Impatience is Impractical
Amazing products go unsold when no one sticks around for the presentation. Your ability to survive on your services disappears when you promote yourself with a blank page. Cached pages for your (WordPress) website aren’t a technical matter – they are a matter of survival. In my search to meet my own personal expectations for…
Melancholia At Project’s End
My psyche and somatic systems harbor heightened sensitivities in matters of closure. Today, marks the end of…
Winding Down The Evening With WordPress.
Now that I’m rounding off the rough edges to my WordPress workflow – I’m emerging on a new satisfaction in maintaining a personal online presence outside of corporate owned platforms.
Pete Holmes: Zoom Out!
Wow! Comedy intersecting with higher order perspectives!? More please! #comedy #perspective #philosophy #society #culture #indieWeb #standUp
Grateful With WordPress! 🤗
Big thanks to #Wordpress & #indieweb #WebDev #OpenSource #Developers. I’m standing on the shoulders of giants & #grateful!