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James Baldwin on Connecting Love
James Baldwin on mirroring one another’s best attributes as a conscious daily work #love
Filling My Cup At The Cinema
One’s output is proportionate to the input one receives and creativity is no exception.
Luxury Is A Quiet Morning In A Busy World
Happy to be enjoying a peaceful moment here at the beginning of a day. Especially, within the context of a preceding night’s poor sleep. #books #reading #calm #mentalHealth #morningRoutine #simplePleasures
How Miyamoto Musashi Faced & Conquered Anxiety
Samurai & philosopher. Master of sword. Conquerer of an enemy we all face in our own lives. Learn how Musashi faced anxiety & benefit in your own battles.
Test of Psychological Maturedness
The “Triple A’s” for psychological maturity, how do you handle anxiety, ambiguity, ambivalence?
Rest Is Work (Worth Tending To, A Note To Self)
I did not anticipate rest to be so much work. Feeling appreciative for (and yet mildly resistant to) holding myself to the “commitment” of a self-prescribed four day weekend here at the end of a long platform development cycle. With rest comes rejuvenation (a renewed wellspring of focus, passion, and enthusiasm toward attainment of aim…
Melancholia At Project’s End
My psyche and somatic systems harbor heightened sensitivities in matters of closure. Today, marks the end of…
Resentment Is A Foul Water Leeching Into The Soil of The Soul.
Resentment is a foul water leaching into the soil of the soul. It originates in the suppression of authenticity, self-imposed or otherwise. Feelings of resentment often result from the inadequate expression of emotions after a painful experience. Be mindful; scan the horizon of your past and face the obstacle that separates you from you. Do…
Pleasing Page Performance!
I’ve learned the hard way, just as you have, that a well written article with high-quality SEO will often come in second place to an equally well written article also possessing carefully implemented and highly performant Web Core Vital Scores. It wasn’t an easy task, but I’ve done it! I’m celebrating a victory for myself.…