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Introspection, Authentic Pursuits, Filling One’s Cup
Filling my cup thru the #community of others, #creativeWriting & the pursuit of #authenticity. Feeling #grateful
Magic Off The Beaten Path.
Run away from the hotel, avoid tourist traps, find a place packed w/ locals, make friends, discover magic. #Bourdain #Life #Strategy
Filling My Cup At The Cinema
One’s output is proportionate to the input one receives and creativity is no exception.
Shoot Day! On Location & Thankful For Sunshine!
Exterior shoot day began with gray skies and low lying ground fog – Feeling thankful to recieve sunshine and beautiful light.
Unity + Jetset Camera Motion Tracking In RealTime
Moving people and moving cameras integrating with virtual environments and volumetric effects, oh my!
Understanding Virtual Cameras Through Analogue Film Definitions
Film sizes explained for the VFX technical artist and Virtual Production Specialist. Discover why old terms still matter.
Apple Releases Final Cut Pro 11!
New Final Cut Pro 11 includes ‘Magnetic Mask’ – automated rotoscoping to rival Davinci Resolve’s Magic Mask. I’ve been waiting for this feature update with great anticipation for a long while. This is exciting.
Local Ai Image Model Training Education Day
Continuing-education day. Updating my own knowledge dataset to include workflows on localized, proprietary Ai model training for image generation.
Location-Independent Virtual Production!
Virtual production is on the verge becoming a location independent workflow. Goodbye studio confines, So exciting!
Creativity in, Creativity Out
What goes into a system feeds a system and is transformed through new creative associations made along the way.