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Monetize Content Without Losing Money To Fees!
#Monetize w/o fees & subscriptions. Keep #revenue in your hands. Discover #Autonomy & Agency! #contentCreators
Live Virtual Production for YouTubers & Live-Streams!
Live #VirtualProduction #Unity3D workflow for #YouTubers & Live-Streams uploading to my #realtimeVFX #YouTube on 3/5/25!
A Writer’s Weekend Win
Happy to have attended two #creativeWriting #meetup groups this weekend. 7.5 #dailyWriting pages completing a 13.5 page #shortStory.
On Pondering the Power of Deconstructing Oneself.
#CarlJung on #mentalHealth & #psychology Unpacking his saying: “Only that which can destroy itself is truly alive.”
Structure, Conventions, & Storylines
#indiefilm lessons on callbacks, detail density, & tandem storylines spanning genres to guarantee #filmmaking for everyone.
Dark On Mondays
To borrow from a #theatrical tradition. Monday means the “ #theater ” is dark. No new #livestreams or #youtube video posts, today.
Ideas Are Like Fish – David Lynch
#Ideas are like fish. You can stay in shallow water. But if you want to catch big fish, you’ve got to go deeper. #Creativity
Editing Insights From Mission Impossible Fallout’s Eddie Hamilton, ACE
Masterclass w/ insights on streamlining editorial for #indieFilm from a solid expert #movieMaking #creativity #vfx #realtimeVFX Enjoy!