Category: Personal

  • Are you a great communicator? Let’s find out.

    Are you a great communicator? Let’s find out.

    Can we follow along with you 100% & arrive at the desired outcome if we cannot hear you? Can we follow along 100% with you & arrive at the desired outcome if we cannot see you? If your visuals are filling in gaps created by your auditory teachings – your teaching strategy is flawed. If…

  • Found Words of Wisdom To Ground Ourselves By.

    Found Words of Wisdom To Ground Ourselves By.

    To all the #writers #artists & #creators who need to hear this as much and as often as I do. #writing #WritingCommunity @EmilyMoranBarwick I’m appreciative of crossing paths with this post. As someone deeply engaged in his discovery of self – this post is a vibe.

  • Those Long Winded Articles Are Getting Long In The Tooth

    Those Long Winded Articles Are Getting Long In The Tooth

    If an article doesn’t know where the relevant story begins for a reader – it just may be that the people behind it don’t know much of anything at all. Let’s say you’re researching the finer points of a workflow employed in your life – and every article insists on starting at the beginning… the…

  • Beauty In The Broad Strokes

    Beauty In The Broad Strokes

    Color. Tone. Modernity. And Warmth. With soft eyes there is beauty in the broad strokes. It’s in examining the details with sustained focus that the imperfections threaten to diminish the whole. #art #musings #perspectives

  • 📙 #MyFirstMac – Hashtag of The Day (Mastodon)

    📙 #MyFirstMac – Hashtag of The Day (Mastodon)

    Awareness for Apple computers in my life began with the original iMac. Here’s a brief rundown of my history with #Apple computers beginning with #myFirstMac

  • Crumb-diddily-umptious


    Working from anywhere often means getting to work with my best friend on my shoulder. And sometimes this means while he’s having a snack. #remoteWork #birdLife #birdsofTwitter #parrot #conure #lunchbreak

  • Life With Extra Steps (Thanks Anxiety)

    Life With Extra Steps (Thanks Anxiety)

    So much over-engineering born of never feeling worthy enough. I have to do more. I have to push the boulder higher up a larger hill. “Acceptable isn’t acceptable at all and perfect is only a beginning.” Such lies our own mind tells us. The programming received from people who were never going to accept our…

  • Usually, As An Excuse

    Usually, As An Excuse

    Usually is not always. Usually is not consistency. Usually is a floating boat with a hole in the hull for open and willing eyes to see. #philosophy #society #Culture #quote

  • Christmas, The Good & Bad.

    Christmas, The Good & Bad.

    “Holidays are stressful” as the cliches state. For some of us, it’s remarkably true. I feel the weight on a personal level and yet I find meaning and benefit in focusing on the bright parts of every holiday despite them not being “my thing”. The storm clouds do pass overhead; for some of us they…

  • Holiday Pups On a Colorado Mountain

    Holiday Pups On a Colorado Mountain

    I’m having a chill Christmas visit with my brother, his wife, and my mother in Colorado for Christmas 2023. Yesterday, a few of us took to Staunton State Park for an afternoon hike.