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  • Life With Extra Steps (Thanks Anxiety)

    Life With Extra Steps (Thanks Anxiety)

    So much over-engineering born of never feeling worthy enough. I have to do more. I have to push the boulder higher up a larger hill. “Acceptable isn’t acceptable at all and perfect is only a beginning.” Such lies our own mind tells us. The programming received from people who were never going to accept our…

  • What Is Carl Jung’s Shadow Work? (Video Explanation)

    What Is Carl Jung’s Shadow Work? (Video Explanation)

    I’ve enjoyed many hours of exploration within the perspectives of Jungian Psychology and Carl Jung’s concept of Shadow Work. This video dispels the myths of what Jungian Shadow Work is not and establishes what I find to be the clearest, easiest-to-understand explanation of what Jungian Shadow Work is and why it must be engaged individually…

  • Ourselves Within Our Work

    Ourselves Within Our Work

    “While I’ve always worked with a writing partner – whatever’s coming from my imagination is inspired by my background & my own psychology.”

  • Days of Doubt

    Days of Doubt

    My days of doubt and fear are greater than my days of confidence. Even when laboring on an endeavor for years with sustained conviction and determination – the prospect of announcing the culmination of my work to others deflates my mind with long-learned demoralizing expectations. Expectations that others will dismiss the time, work, approach, and…

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