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Cultivating Work/Life Balance Thru Virtual Production!
Enjoying greater work life balance via faster story creation using #realtimeVFX #Unity3D #virtualProduction . Fulfilling #creativity
‘Unreal’ Virtual Production W/ Unity Feels Like Paradise!
Created in #Unity3D #realtimeVFX #virtualproduction . More on YT ! Welcome to paradise!
It’s A Filmmaker’s Paradise
Dropping later today. New #realtimevfx #virtualproduction clip plus a peak behind the technological curtain w/ #madeWithUnity
Call To Adventure
Calls to adventure begin within. Actions are how you answer. Engage audiences & start your journey in #realtimeVFX #virtualProduction YouTube:
Structure, Conventions, & Storylines
#indiefilm lessons on callbacks, detail density, & tandem storylines spanning genres to guarantee #filmmaking for everyone.
Editing Insights From Mission Impossible Fallout’s Eddie Hamilton, ACE
Masterclass w/ insights on streamlining editorial for #indieFilm from a solid expert #movieMaking #creativity #vfx #realtimeVFX Enjoy!
Denis Villeneuve’s Indie Films & Finding the Tools to Make his Dream.
Denis Villeneuve on #indieFilm & experiences that led him to the tools & career he envisioned for himself.
Looking at Virtual Production’s Predecessor & Lineage In Realtime
Virtual Production’s predecessor – A look at the lineage of #realtimeVFX #indiefilm #filmmaking
The Strategy of Subtext Supporting What’s Seen On Screen
Supporting structures for any endeavor are always subtextual. What’s ultimately seen… merely the tip of an iceberg.