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Terrain To Mesh Conversion For Unity Filmmakers
Your #indieFilm Rosetta Stone for exporting #Unity3D terrain data into #Jetset & onto the production stage.
Developing & Playtesting Interactive Stories w/ Twine
Streamlining iterative #storyDev for interactive #Unity #virtualProductions using #Twine #JSON
UV Unwrapping With Unity ProBuilder
Tonight’s self-guided continuing education installment: UV unwrapping using Probuilder in Unity.
Unity + Jetset Camera Motion Tracking In RealTime
Moving people and moving cameras integrating with virtual environments and volumetric effects, oh my!
Understanding Virtual Cameras Through Analogue Film Definitions
Film sizes explained for the VFX technical artist and Virtual Production Specialist. Discover why old terms still matter.
Live Capture Support Ending With Unity 6.1
Do alternatives exist for #realtimeVFX #virtualProduction within #Unity6 #Unity3D #MadeWithUnity @unity This news is heart breaking and discouraging after so much time investment learning the tools.
AI Rotoscoping: Revolutionizing VFX in Record Time
I’m engaged by the rapid evolution of tools within media and my industry. The convergence of virtual production, AI-powered tools, and real-time rendering engines is revolutionary for storytelling…
Unity – Reading up on Visual Compositor Preview Package
Early investigations into Visual Compositor within #Unity ,not to be confused with Graphics Compositor.
Overview For Unity 6 in 2024
Controversy, Opaque Onboarding. Runtime Fees, Stagnation. Unity has self-inflicted a hard time for themselves of late. Are things turning for the better? Here’s a succinct, personable video overview of Unity’s new direction as reported by 3rd-party observer.
Dissecting Animation Controllers, Unity Engine
Breakfast & leisurely learning. Eggs, coffee, sourdough toast while dissecting animation controller parameters, exit timings, and transition blends.