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Don’t Consume Culture; Create Culture.
We have to create culture, don’t watch TV, don’t read magazines, don’t even listen to NPR. Create your own roadshow. Terrence McKenna
Virtual Production Puzzle Pieces – Coming Together!
Workflow is taking shape. Logistics are falling into line. Stories are about to be told. #exciting
Negotiating A Pay Bump When You Can’t Read A Face.
The threat of AI is not an unsanctioned nuclear launch, but a separation and abstraction away from the ability to read a human face – even the one in the mirror.
Greater Stories. Fewer Resources. Virtual Production!
Relighting video after it’s been recorded? Sure thing! Realtime VFX in Unity is a game changer.
Sundays Are For The Birds – In All The Best Ways!
This small little guy is responsible for making my house a Home (for which I’m, in no small way, immeasurably grateful!)
Unreal Engine 5.2 (Apple Silicon) for macOS. Buggy Exports
Unreal Engine experimentation. Downgraded from 5.3 to 5.2 for a more mature release. Works except for buggy media export. Details inside. Thoughts?
Unreal Engine 5.3 (Apple Silicon) for macOS Wild Bugs.
Unreal Inconsistencies. Unintended audio playback. Perfect Media Playback in Editor; choppy results with exported MP4s.
These Issues are Unreal! UnRemote
Unreal’s UnRemote makes a perfect connection – no fuss; no muss. Yet, I knock & knock w/ LiveLink and there’s no one home. Anyone have insight or experience w/ a fix?
Are you a great communicator? Let’s find out.
Can we follow along with you 100% & arrive at the desired outcome if we cannot hear you? Can we follow along 100% with you & arrive at the desired outcome if we cannot see you? If your visuals are filling in gaps created by your auditory teachings – your teaching strategy is flawed. If…